How To Create YouTube Channel And Make Money

How to earn money online with YouTube

Whatsup guys! Welcome to this informative tech blog where I will discuss with you how to make money online on YouTube.

I will teach you how to create a successful YouTube channel step-by-step and tell you all the things about how to earn money on YouTube. I have to tell you that YouTube can give you more than you think.

Let me ask you a question, Do you watch YouTube videos of your favorite YouTubers?

But do you know that they are earning a lot of money from YouTube? Yes, it is true. YouTubers who post videos regularly are making a lot of money.

If you want to start a new YouTube channel and make money online with YouTube then you are reading the right blog. Throughout this blog, I will teach you how to start a successful YouTube channel and make money.

If you want to take YouTube seriously then YouTube can be your career and can give you a lot of money, not only money but YouTube can also give you a huge amount of fan followings.

Now let's get answers to some important questions

#1. Why is YouTube paying to post videos?

YouTube runs ads on the videos. This is the business model of YouTube.

YouTube makes money from brands or businesses and runs ads on videos and YouTube holds 45% of advertising revenue and shares 55% of advertising revenue with YouTubers.

The image below will help you understand better.

How to earn money online with YouTube

But before you can start making money on YouTube, you must enable monetization for your YouTube channel. If monetization of your channel is not enabled, you can not earn any advertising revenue from YouTube.

#2. How to Enable my YouTube Channel for Monetization?

Many people are asking me how do I enable the monetization of my YouTube channel? The only answer I have for them is to follow the YouTube monetization policy, upload good quality videos, and post videos regularly. I mean If you upload videos every week or month, then upload videos every week or month. I just want to say that keep your regularity.

You have to apply for the YouTube partner program to get monetized on YouTube.

To be enabled for the YouTube Partner Program, you must have 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers on your channel from the last 12 months.

How to earn money online with YouTube

When you complete 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers, Now your channel ready for monetization.

But before your channel is monetized, your YouTube channel will go for review to check if your channel is YouTube monetization policy friendly or not. This process can take up to 7 days but in some cases, takes 1 month.

#3. How does YouTube pay YouTubers?

YouTube pays to Youtubers through AdSense. To get paid by YouTube you must have an AdSense account. One user must have only one AdSense account if made multiple AdSense accounts then your Adsense will be suspended.

How to earn money online with YouTube

The above image will explain to you everything easily.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is Google's Ads serving platform. Adsense serves ads on YouTube videos, Blogs, Apps. You have to take AdSense approval before start earning with AdSense. You can monetize your YouTube channel, website, and application to earn money online.

Okay! Now your most of the doubt is solved. let's get forward to set up a YouTube channel.

If you already have a YouTube channel then now focus on How to get more views on YouTube Videos.

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