Is Instagram reel is the best alternative to get rid of TikTok?

Recently, the Government of India banned 59 chines apps including cringe app TikTok. TikTok had to vary the number of creators but most of them are cringe content creators they made content like promoting violence, acid attacks, raps, animal attacks, etc. It was destroying the brains of youngsters and especially kids.

TikTok India's shameless CEO claiming that TikTok providing daily bread-butter to their creator. According to him, TikTok's creators are daily wagers in TikTok. Many reasons are available behind the ban of TikTok. TikTok should be ban, And it is banned in India.

Is Instagram reel is the best alternative to get rid of TikTok?

What is Instagram Reel Video Feature?

Anyways, Let's get back to our main topic on Instagram Reel. Instagram recently launches the Instagram Reel feature on the Instagram app. Instagram users can make short videos on it like TikTok and many users are started creating content like TikTok on Instagram.

TikTok had many rivals like Hago, Vego videos, ShareChat, and many more. YouTube getting ready to competing TikTok with YouTube Shorts feature. Instagram launches Reel feature after TikTok has banned in India to take advantage of TikTok's jobless creators.

How Instagram's Reel video feature works?

Instagram shares your Reel video to the Explore section to provide more engagement to creators and make the video viral. If Reel video will good and with better content it will be viral itself with help of Instagram's algorithms. To share video in the explore section your account type must be Public Account.

How to make Reel videos on Instagram?

To make Reel video on Instagram you have to tap on the story icon, It will open the story uploading section, just a single swipe left side in bottom options it will allow shooting Reel video. When you are done recording your video it allows you to add music on it, add effects, control speed of the video, set alignment of video, you can set the length of the video.

My opinion on Instagram Reel feature

If people are still making cringe content on Instagram Reel feature then I would like to say Instagram should turn off this feature because people don't want spoiled social media platforms. Nowadays Instagram is the most famous social media platform and most loved social media.

Millions of creators are creating good and informative content on Instagram in a gentle way. There are many comedians, actors, singers, artists, educators are producing meaningful content. But if Instagram goes on the way of TikTok many people or Instagram users will change social media platforms.


People have to understand what kind of content they should see and which kinds of content they have to produce. I urge to them who produce cringe content, Please stop spoiling social media. I hope You like this article and get some information. Thank You.

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